Tag: wearables

  • Saturday morning coffee [April 11 2015]

    “This above all: to thine own self be true.” – William Shakespeare

    So much happens each and every week, and it’s hard to keep up sometimes. Here are some of the tabs that are open in my browser this morning along with some random thoughts….

    The mug below comes straight from the bookstore on the UC San Diego campus. My youngest daughter, Mikaela and I attended Triton Day 2015 last Saturday on the UCSD campus. Mikaela will be attending UCSD starting in the Fall of this year as a NanoEngineering major. After sitting through the Chemical Engineering and NanoEngineering presentations at Triton Day I’m thinking about joining her. It’s a great time to be entering the nanotechnology field.

    UCSD Triton Mug

  • Saturday morning coffee [December 6 2014]

    “The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything” ~unknown

    Welcome to December. Hard to believe that Christmas is right around the corner.

    So much happens each and every week, and it’s hard to keep up sometimes. Here are some of the tabs that are open in my browser this morning along with some random thoughts….


  • Saturday morning coffee [October 4, 2014]

    “Keep true, never be ashamed of doing right, decide on what you think is right and stick to it.” ~George Eliot

    So much happens each and every week that it’s hard to keep up sometimes. Here are some of the tabs that are open in my browser this morning along with some random thoughts….

    The mug below comes straight from a little shop in the French Quarter in New Orleans. My wife and I were recently there for a few days while I attended a conference. We had a great time. The food, the people, the atmosphere, all good. We ate a lot of good food, include beignets and my first ever muffaletta.


  • I returned my Moto 360 and here’s why

    I felt fortunate when I received an email from Motorola inviting me to be an early purchaser of a Moto 360 smartwatch. Thrilled is more accurate. In my opinion the 360 is probably the best looking of  all the new Android Wear watches. I jumped at the opportunity.

    Moto 360

  • Saturday morning coffee [August 9 2014]

    “If you think a weakness can be turned into a strength, I hate to tell you this, but that’s another weakness.” -Jack Handey

    So much happens each and every week that it’s hard to keep up sometimes. Here are some of the tabs that are open in my browser this morning along with some random thoughts….

    The coffee mug below is relatively new. It’s one of two that I picked up in Las Vegas at M&M World during one of my daughter’s volleyball tournaments earlier this year.

    Orange M&M's Coffee Mug

  • Saturday morning coffee [July 26 2014]

    “Everything happens for a reason, and sometimes that reason is you’re stupid and make bad choices” – unknown

    So much happens each and every week that it’s hard to keep up sometimes. Here are some of the tabs that are open in my browser this morning along with some random thoughts….

    The coffee mug below is relatively new. I received it as a gift from my brother Robert and his wife, Kim. Very cool. I’ve had a running joke about monkeys for years. Once upon a time, not too many years ago, an administrator in the pharmacy where I worked told me that a monkey could do my job. Made me pretty angry. Sad part was he was right.
