I saw an article in this mornings USA Today regarding the impending availability of the iPhone on Verizon. Of course this isn’t really news as “the event” was inevitable. The rumor has been active for years now and Android has been chipping away at Apple’s dominance in the smartphone market for quite some time.
Now that the iPhone is available on Verizon, the question everyone will be asking themselves is “should I dump my current Verizon device and move to the iPhone?” It’s a good question and I’m sure many, many people will do it. Then again, I assume many ex-Verizon-switched-because-of-the-iPhone-but-now-I’m-unhappy-with-AT&T customers will simply switch back.
To test the desire of the average smartphone user to switch between Android and the iPhone on Verizon, I asked my wife if she’d like to jump ship now that she has the option. You see, we’re a Mac family at home; three Mac desktops, one Mac laptop,  eight iPods of various configurations and an iPad. My wife and I have talked about this day for a long time and always assumed we would make the change when the opportunity presented itself. But to my utter surprise my wife said ‘no’. Her explanation was simple. She said she was happy with the Android platform, already had an iPod Touch and an iPad, liked the integration of Google with her Droid and simply didn’t feel it offered any advantage. Zing!
And for me? I briefly had an iPhone and really liked the device. At one time I think I would have made the switch, but now I’m happily married to Google and the Android platform. I’ll be sticking with that combination for now.
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