Category: Web 2.0

  • Stanford offers glimpse of 3D Radiology images on Flickr

    skullThe Stanford Radiology 3D Imaging Laboratory uses computed tomography and Magnetic Resonance imaging data to create three-dimensional images of the human body. Individual CT and MR scans of the body are taken around a single axis that are stacked and rendered using complex computer algorithms to create a three-dimensional volume of data. The images produced from this data can be manipulated on-screen to provide doctors with unique interior perspectives of the human body for diagnosing and treating patients. Each month the lab produces nearly 20,000 images. “- The Stanford 3D Radiology Lab has posted some pretty cool images on Flickr. If you get a moment stop and take a look, you won’t be disappointed. My favorite image is the skull, of course.

  • Put your pharmacy in the “clouds”

    We’ve all heard the term “cloud computing”, but I think very few people have taken the time to discover what the term actually means. “Cloud Computing” is certainly a buzz-word and can be found all over the internet. Unfortunately, the definition appears to be whatever marketing needs it to be for the sake of advertising.

  • Update on Pharmacy 2.0..or should I say “Pharmacy Web 2.0”

    A few days back I posted a small blog on pharmacy and the entire 2.0 (two-point-oh) movement. The article generated a couple of comments that brought my attention to an excellent article by Todd Eury describing the use of WEB 2.0 and pharmacy. Eury (of PTR) does a good job of getting to the essence of the Web 2.0 movement.

    In his blog Eury states that “According to Tim O’Reilly: “Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as a platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform. ”

    These tools provide you with a unique approach to forming better ties to your customers. Blogging is a great way to start…You could feature biographies on your (willing) staff and create a common place for customer comments and interaction. Interaction is the key. It’s a social medium that enables you to reach out to your customers as creatively as you want.”

    Examples of internet social medium given include Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Facebook.  All very popular and effective tools for communication.

    An article in InformationWeek on social networking in large companies tends to agree with Eury’s assessment that Web 2.0 technology and social networking has its place.

  • Web 2.0, Health 2.0, Medicine 2.0…I bring you Pharmacy 2.0

    Spend any length of time around health care related websites and you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. Words like “Web 2.0”, “Health 2.0” and “Medicine 2.0” are catch phrases being tossed around like socks in a dryer. It’s officially a phase 5/6 pandemic. Here’s a little background to get you started.