Musings on poor resource management in healthcare

I’ve recently had the displeasure of running up against some significantly poor resource management that has had a negative impact on my ability do my job, and it got me thinking about what kind of overall impact poor resource management has on healthcare. I’ve held a full time position as a pharmacist in four hospitals and worked either part time or per diem in two others. That’s a total of six separate facilities in five different cities, so I’m going to assume that I have a fair sampling. No two facilities were the same, but they all suffered from the inability to manage resources, i.e. people, hardware, software, reference material, etc.

I’m sure running a hospital doesn’t come cheap, but I believe you have to create a balance that gives you not only the ability to move forward, but also creates an environment that allows one to perform at a high level.  The problem I see in healthcare is a general lack of foresight when it comes to moving forward.  For example, you can’t purchase a new piece of automation hardware for the pharmacy and expect it to run itself forever at no cost for maintenance, optimization and upgrades. But that’s how we, i.e. healthcare, view things. While I’m general speaking about things related to pharmacy because that’s what I know, the basic principles can be applied to almost anything.

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