For the puzzle lovers in the group

Below is an example of some pretty bad handwriting. Take a look at it and see if you can decipher what the physician wants. I am looking for only medication related orders. Leave your guesses in the comment section. Good luck.


The solution can be found here.

13 thoughts on “For the puzzle lovers in the group”

  1. Jerry this is the same MD you posted from before, I recognize the fine penmanship. Forward this one to Poikonen. Let’s see just how sharp his pharmacist skills are!

  2. Yeah, that’s the same guy. I have a whole pile of his orders. They’re always good to use as an example of what not to do at the safety committee meetings. Although that’s not the best order I came across today: “Rituxan infusion dose unknown”. I guess that means it’s pharmacist choice. ;-)

  3. Hi Guzzo,

    Well you hit the drug, but he dose is actually 250mg. Since you’re the first to answer I’ll have to dig through the prize closet and see what I can find. Based our current budget status I think all I have left are smiley faces. ;-)

    Thanks for stopping by and offering up a guess. That handwriting really is atrocious isn’t it. I’ll post the answer to the puzzle on Friday.

  4. Not sure about the “half-caf” part, but I think you got the rest of it right. I’ll post the translation tomorrow.

  5. OK, here are my guesses, and I didn’t peek!
    Azitin 250mg IV daily
    Difflam, folic acid, Naseptin
    Mega C vitamin, K Plus dressing + cartridge (!)
    Decadron 2mg IV daily
    Second to last line is something intermittently
    Last line looks like he’s ordered a magazine, lol.
    One question, have I got anything at all correct (apart from the first line that I see is correct).

  6. Yep, you have some of it correct. Nicely done. I will post the entire translation tomorrow. Thanks for guessing, Pauline. Take care.

  7. I see Azi 250 IV daily as the first order. Second, he is Discontinuing only God knows what, followed by raving about his love of Twitter. Lastly he wants Decadron 2mg IV . That is all.

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