Taking a break…

I started this blog more than two years ago at the behest of my brother, Robert. He and I used to spend a lot of time talking about technology and he encouraged me to put my ideas in writing in the form of a blog. It took quite a while before I finally took his advice, but eventually I got around to it.

It’s been quite a lot of fun, but my desire to keep up this blog has finally run its course. I find little interest in pharmacy technology these days as everything has turned into rehashed content presented under the guise of something new. The technology world has become one of followers with few true leaders and I find myself becoming more and more disgusted with “revolutionary” products and ideas. There are few real thinkers left in the world.

I watched Iron Man 2 last night with my girls. At one point in the movie Tony Stark tears his house apart to build the equipment necessary to synthesize a new element. Funny I know, but that image isn’t much different than one of the founding father’s of this country. Men like Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and the like weren’t beyond punching a hole in the floor of their home to build a clock for example.  Those men were truly revolutionary thinkers. My brother and I have discussed the loss of such minds over time, and it’s disheartening.

I told myself when this blog was no longer fun that I would stop. Well, I’ve reached that point. I find myself generating more rants than informative posts these days. In fact this post went off in the direction of a rant for just a moment. I had to reel myself back in just to finish it up. But I’m not ready to completely give up on the idea of having a blog just yet. After some thought I’ve decided to just ignore it for a while and see if my interest returns. I’m skeptical that my interest will be jump started, but I think it’s worth a shot. Most of the time when I tire of something it’s usually for good. We shall see.

For now I’m taking a break.



8 responses to “Taking a break…”

  1. Charles S

    Will miss your blog Jerry. I asked you about a year and a half ago what the best tool would be for going into rotations. Now I’m graduated, passed NAPLEX and just sat for the first of two Jurisprudence examinations today. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve repeated something that I first read here, but I seldom thought my opinions sufficient to add to the conversation. Thanks for adding so much to my informal education over the last two years. Also at graduation less than half of my class had residencies or positions lined up for after graduation (fortunately I was in the minority) so you were/are right: the demand has been met.


  2. Jerry Fahrni

    Thanks for the feedback Charles. Good luck with the new career. Sounds like you’re well on your way.

  3. Chantel


    I just wanted to say it was a pleasure having you as a virtual guest lecture for my pharmacy informatics class. Thank you for allowing me to follow your blog and read your tweets this past year for I really am interested in pharmacy informatics and I love the fact that you tie it in with technology. In fact, it is a breath of fresh air to see that there are pharmacist out there that don’t exclusively use social media outlets like twitter to bash their employer or complain about patients. I hope you enjoy your break and return to blogging someday in the near future.

    Thanks again,

  4. Konrad Crabtree

    Jerry, sorry to hear that you’ll be taking a break but I certainly understand. I hope we get to hear from you again before too long… Whether on this blog or elsewhere. Your voice will be missed until then!

  5. I know better than to try and change your mind…and besides, if it’s not fun anymore, then it’s simply not fun anymore. However, with an eye towards this being a break vs an ending, I will point out that this blog is almost singular in its niche of consistently providing a pharmacy-centric view of technology and opinion. It wasn’t that long ago it was up for the Medgadget ‘Best New Blog’ award, and I think your blog has probably has filled more of a role than you may realize. I’ve appreciate your efforts up to this point and here’s hoping you enjoy the break and return rejuvenated!


  6. Trish D’Antonio

    For what its worth, I too have found your blog insightful and helpful in my practice. Thank you for your time and dedication.


  7. Brent Fox

    Hey Jerry. I can appreciate stepping away from something that is not fun. I agree with the other comments here re: the value of your blog (rant or otherwise). Ultimately, I say do what’s best for you.


  8. Appreciate your feelings about the blog as it is a lot of work – but for what it is worth I find it interesting and insightful. I have tried a lot of the tech that you have talked about as a result of your opinion – am not quite a Google sheep but am getting there! I also have used it for insight into pharmacy tech which is a new area of my business – so I will have to try find that information somewhere else!! Enjoy the break but you will have a willing audience if you decide to return…


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