Practice Fusion is a company based out of San Francisco that offers a free web-based electronic medical record (EMR), or is it electronic health record (EHR). To the best of my knowledge Practice Fusion was founded in 2005 and has been rapidly expanding ever since. Practice Fusion offers its EMR software free of charge in exchange for putting up with a few advertisements. The advertisements are non-obtrusive and don’t appear to get in the way of any of the application’s functionality. In fact, I didn’t even notice them. The best part of this revenue model is that it makes the software freely accessible to any physician that would like to use it. In addition, users are not required to install any new hardware of software. Very nice.
Author: Jerry Fahrni
Cool Technology for Pharmacy – Practice Fusion EMR
Top blog posts and searches from last week
I always find it interesting to see what brings someone to my website and what they decided to read once they get here. Most of the time it isn’t pharmacy related at all. Funny how that works.
Most read posts over last week:
- Medscape Mobile for the BlackBerry – This has appeared at or near the top for the past couple of weeks. It’s a testament to how many healthcare professionals are still carrying BlackBerry devices.
- iPad + ClamCase = awesomeness? – This is funny. All I have to do is put the word “iPad” anywhere in a post and people flock to it.
- CPOE – Giving it some thought – CPOE is gaining some traction for sure.
- Cool Technology for Pharmacy – LXE Bluetooth Ring Scanner – I sat on this one for quite a while. Couldn’t decide if I wanted to blog about it or not.
- RxCalc 1.1 now available for the iPhone and iPod Touch – Similar to “iPad”. Put the word “iPhone” somewhere in the post and people will find it.
- “What’d I miss?” – Week of May 23, 2010
- Cool Technology for Pharmacy – This was before I started putting the name of the cool technology in the blog title. This particular post was from Jun 18, 2009 and covered Alaris Smartpumps.
- Best iPhone / iPod Touch Applications for Pharmacists – Ibid, iPhone & iPad. It’s been a while. I should really update this information.
- Curriculum Vitae – I see this show up high up on the list occasionally. I believe young pharmacists are looking for an example of how to compose a CV. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to write one; still don’t know if I have it right. I can never figure out how much information to include or what should be excluded.
- “What’d I miss?” – Week of May 17,2010
Top searchterm phrases for last week
- “”
- “autopharm”
- “alaris”
- “jerry fahrni”
- “black cloud”
- “cloud computing”
- +”magnetic resonance imaging” + “cool image”
- “alaris infusion pump”
- “dell xt”
- “carousel for meds” tied with “medscape mobile”
iPad + ClamCase = awesomeness?
There is no question that the iPad has met the expectations of most. Crud, probably exceeded the expectation of many. It certainly has redefined the slate category and is on its way to rewriting the history of that class of tablets. Apple wisely built a device that is easy to use, has an incredibly user friendly interface and is simply great for watching movies, surfing the web and consuming textual information, i.e. ebooks. For me, however there is one thing that’s missing, a keyboard.
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New edition of “Keys to EMR/EHR Success” available
EMR Daily News: “Greenbranch Publishing announces the Second Edition of the breakthrough book for practices eager to minimize the costs, confusion and outright risks of choosing and implementing an Electronic Medical Record system. Keys to EMR/EHR Success: Selecting and Implementing an Electronic Medical Record, 2nd Edition by Ronald Sterling, CPA, MBA, paperback, 304 pages, ISBN: 978-0-9827055-0-6, list price – $139.00
The 1st Edition of Keys to EMR Success, was the HIMSS Book of the Year Award winner. In this revised Edition, nationally recognized expert Ron Sterling has included new chapters on EHR and Malpractice Risk, ARRA and Meaningful Use as well as detailed coverage of conversion issues for practices that have an old EMR.
“There is no question,†says Sterling, “that the selection and implementation of an EHR is a ‘bet-the-practice’ proposition. If you fail, you end up with more costs and greater frustration. Yet, few practices will be able to avoid implementing EHRs.â€
I looked for the book in the usual places, i.e. Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc. I found the first addition, but no luck on the second. I even had hopes of finding it in electronic format for the Nook, Kindle or even the iPad. Nope. So if you want to purchase the book you’ll need to go directly to the Greenbranch Publishing website.
While contemplating purchasing this book something occured to me. With the length of time it takes to publish a book, how relative would this material be to the current state of EHR/EMR implementation? Technology is moving at lightning speed. Maybe it’s time to consider a new way of disseminating information like this. Just a thought.
IntelliDose EHR integration
CMIO: “Allscripts will integrate IntrinsiQ’s IntelliDose chemotherapy management tool into its EHR product suite as a new offering for physician practices.
The Waltham, Mass.-based IntrinsiQ’s IntelliDose calculates and tracks the administration of chemotherapy treatments and will enable Allscripts’ multi-specialty and oncology clients to manage oncology patient care workflow, according to the company.
Under the agreement, oncology practices will work with Allscripts account managers to coordinate with implementation and training specialists from the IntelliDose team. Integration of IntelliDose into Allscripts tools will enable Allscripts clients to select the add-on program to navigate patient records across both systems, IntrinsiQ stated. “
This sounds like an interesting concept. I tried looking for detailed information on IntelliDose, but really couldn’t find much. Based on information at the IntrinsiQ website it appears that IntelliDose is a clinical decision support system designed specifically for chemotherapy. Based on the description, IntelliDose does many of the same things that a pharmacy information system does, i.e. checks for “body surface area limitations, patient allergies, and exceptional lab results†in addition to reviewing “dosage variables such as ideal weight, serum creatinine, and creatinine clearance.†Sounds like a pharmacist.
RxCalc 1.1 now available for the iPhone and iPod Touch
After a week of sitting in iTunes store limbo, RxCalc 1.1 was finally approved and released for download yesterday afternoon. For those of you that don’t know about RxCalc, it is a pharmacokinetics calculator made by Apple Core Labs specifically designed to handle aminoglycoside and vancomycin kinetics, i.e. new starts and adjustments. It’s exciting for me because I was involved in the creation of the application. You can read more about what drove the idea and the development of RxCalc here if you’re interested.
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“What’d I miss?” – Week of May 23, 2010
As usual there were a lot of things that happened during the week, and not all of it was pharmacy or technology related. Here’s a quick look at some of the stuff I found interesting.