A little assistance for choosing the right barcode reader

barcode.com: “With all of the data capture solutions on the market today, choosing a barcode scanner may seem overwhelming. However, after analyzing all of your needs, making the right choice should come easily. It’s important to analyze both the requirements of your business and what your budget allows. First and foremost, ask yourself, “what barcode symbology will I need to be scanning?” While laser scanners are a cost-effective option, they aren’t able to scan 2D barcodes (aside from the PDF-417, a 2D-like symbology), which digital imagers can. With the use of 2D barcodes on the rise, it may be wise to invest in a digital imager so that it will better accommodate future progressions in technology. On the other hand, digital imagers can decode 2D barcodes, which can be encoded with a significantly greater amount of information than their 1D counterparts. In addition, imagers allow for omni-direction barcode reading, eliminating the need to accommodate the scanning device. Area imagers can even read Direct Part Marking (DPM), a method of permanently marking a product, allowing the product to be tracked throughout its life.” – Our facility uses a combination of barcode scanners in the pharmacy, and I can honestly say choosing the right one can make all the difference. I have personal experience with a few barcode scanners from Code Corporation and Honeywell (previously Handheld). In my opinion the Honeywell products are better. They are easy to use and very forgiving when it comes to scanning medication barcodes. The Code scanners require a little manipulation and better aim, which can be frustrating when you’re in a hurry.

For more information on barcode readers, try barcode.com, barcoding.com or idautomation.com.

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