Author: Jerry Fahrni

  • Nice look at Web 2.0 and pharmacy in the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education

    Am J Pharm Educ. 2009;73(7):1-11: “One positive aspect of Web 2.0 applications is that they create a participatory architecture for supporting communities of learners. Unlike learning management systems (which are closed systems) and static Web pages (which are singular-owned), blogs, wikis, and social bookmarking sites are open to learners from multiple schools and facilitate collaboration on content creation. This participatory culture is, in essence, a key component of Web 2.0 and one that gives promise to educators who seek a means to include students in the creation of knowledge.”

    The article does a good job of describing several commonly used components of Web 2.0 such as blogs, social networks, aggregation, podcasts, etc. While the information in the article is specifically aimed at pharmacy education, it is valuable to practicing pharmacists as well.

    The application of Web 2.0 was a popular topic at ASHP earlier this month; I mention it here. Web 2.0 is nothing new. In fact it’s rather old in terms of technology. But like many other technologies, pharmacy has been slow to adopt it. The key to all this is to remember that many of these services can be used to disseminate valuable information to other pharmacists and healthcare professionals. Think of Web 2.0 as just another tool in the pharmacist’s armamentarium. More information on Web 2.0 can be found here.

  • “What’d I miss?” – Week of December 13th

    As usual there were a lot of things that happened during the week, and not all of it was pharmacy or technology related. Here’s a quick look at some of the stuff I found interesting.


  • Solution to illegible handwriting puzzle

    Thanks for all the people who ventured a guess. Only the medications are transcribed and the original image is posted below the answers as a reference.

  • Cool Technology for Pharmacy

    Installing and using Citrix Receiver on your iPhone/iPod Touch

    While at ASHP Midyear a colleague and friend of mine, @pillguy, was able to pull up the pharmacy system at his hospital using Citrix on his iPhone. At that moment I was attacked by a green monster and nearly consumed with envy. I can not yet match this feat of superiority with my Droid, but I’m hopeful.

  • Clinical Surveillance

    There is a nice article in the November 2009 issue of Hospital Pharmacy on the use of clinical surveillance in pharmacy. I’ve mentioned these types of systems before here and here.

    From the article:

    Clinical surveillance tools are atype of clinical decision support system (CDSS), providing pharmacists with patient information that has been filtered according to predefined criteria and is presented at appropriate times to enhance patient care. These tools pull data from 3 sources—admission/discharge/transfer (ADT), laboratory, and pharmacy—and use clinical rules to analyze the data and alert the user of instances that meet the rules’criteria. Though there is some variability in methods across the different vendors’ products, these Webbased applications enerally function by interfacing (HL7) with the hospital’s information systems to securely pull the data to the vendor’s server where the data are analyzed against a set of clinical rules. Some vendors allow the client to build their own rules, some provide a foundational set of rules, and others do not allow user-defined rules. This is an important distinction to make when evaluating the different applications.

    For more information try visiting John’s Evernote repository for Clinical Decision Support.

  • For the puzzle lovers in the group

    Below is an example of some pretty bad handwriting. Take a look at it and see if you can decipher what the physician wants. I am looking for only medication related orders. Leave your guesses in the comment section. Good luck.


    The solution can be found here.

  • Barcode scanner dilemma

    barcode_scanAs barcoding in pharmacies grows in popularity I get exposed to more and more barcoding equipment; particularly barcode scanners. Our carousels utilize barcode scanners from Code Corp, our AutoPack system utilizes a barcode scanner from Honeywell – previously Handheld – and our barcode medication administration system will use a yet-to-be-determined scanner. In addition, I’ve accumulated a nice collection of various scanners in my office including wireless, Bluetooth and tethered.

  • Requirements for a pharmacy informatics professional

    In a post from ASHP Midyear I mention that “pharmacists are highly educated clinicians that deserve to practice informatics at that same level. [They] should be the individual involved in making sure that systems are designed to include pharmacy workflow, that the reports being written provide the necessary information to be clinically relevant, that current clinical standards are adhered to during implementation of new systems, be the representative at the table during discussions of integration and interoperability of hospital systems, etc”

    A couple of things caught my eye since writing those words and I would like to share them with you here.

  • Cool Technology for Pharmacy

    My Cool Technology for Pharmacy this week strays a little from my normal hardware and software approach and focuses on the concept of RxNorm. The reason for this deviation is simple; my ignorance of RxNorm was never more evident than during my time at ASHP Midyear this week. I don’t like it when I lack understanding of what people are talking about, and this happened on a couple of occasions during discussions involving RxNorm. This was especially true during a presentation by Dr. Usha Desiraju of First DataBank. Dr. Desiraju’s presentation focused on the use of RxNorm and interoperability.

    So I was forced to do a little reading. The entire idea seems simple enough, but like many good ideas implementation and acceptance is a little like trying to push the wrong end of two magnets together. In the simplest terms I can muster, think of RxNorm as a standardized language used to identify each unique medication across multiple systems.

  • Update ASHP #Midyear2009

    Today was a good day for informatics at ASHP Midyear.

    Pharmacy 2.0: How the Web is Changing How We Practice
    This was a great session moderated by John Poikonen (@poikonen), PharmD or John defined Pharmacy 2.0 as the combination of ASHP’s practice model, participatory medicine, health reform, and self-reform, i.e. changing the way you work. In an interesting move Poikonen asked the audience how many of them were familiar with the term “hashtag” and mentioned the use of #Midyear2009 as a way to follow the meeting on Twitter. Unfortunately very few pharmacists raised their hand to acknowledge the term. I wish we had a way to quantify the number, but it was only 10-20 in a crowd of a couple hundred. It’s obvious that the crowd had an interest in the subject by their presence, but as I already suspected pharmacy has a long way to go before we can be considered tech savvy.

    Todd Eury (@toddeury) of Pharmacy Technology Resources and Pharmacy Web 2.0 presented on “Healthcare System Communications Evolution: Pharmacy and Web 2.0”. In his presentation he introduced many of the most commonly used social media available today; specifically LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. He did an excellent job of defining their role in pharmacy practice and communicating not only their benefits, but pitfalls as well. One thing of particular interest in Eury’s presentation was the need to monitor your online reputation and occasionally “Google yourself”. Try it; you’ll be surprised at what you find.

    Kevin Clauson (@kevinclauson), PharmD of Nova Southeastern University College of Pharmacy presented “A Pharmacist’s Web 2.0 Toolkit for Information Management.” He covered the use of RSS Readers, like Google Reader, PeRSSonalized, and Clinical Reader, as well as Twitter and Evernote as a way for pharmacists to keep up with the ever changing world of information that we have to digest and assimilate. I consider myself pretty well versed in the ways of the web, but Kevin offered up some great pearls of wisdom that I can immediately put into practice.

    The final segment of the Pharmacy 2.0 session was a video presentation by Dr. Daniel Sands (@drdannysands) in which he spoke about physician’s use of social media and the web to communicate with his patients. He also covered ways that patients can get involved in their own healthcare through the use of online societies specific to their condition. Dr. Sands spent several minutes in the video interviewing physicians in his own practice about their views on social media and its impact on their relationship with patients. Not surprising some physicians spoke positively about the technology, while others were not so flattering.

    Pharmacy Informatics Education Networking Session
    This session offered up some of the most interactive discussion that I’ve been involved with during my time here at Midyear. The discussion centered on what informatics education standards should be for pharmacy students and how that should translate into a “qualified informatics pharmacist”. It was interesting to see the difference in opinions from pharmacist to pharmacist. While I won’t go into exactly what was covered I think everyone in that room needs to remember that pharmacists are highly educated clinicians that deserve to practice informatics at that same level. A <insert title here; clinical informaticist, Informatics pharmacist, pharmacy informaticist, clinical informatics pharmacist, medication management informaticist> should not be the guy sitting in a cubicle writing reports day in and day out, or the guy that has to edit each line item in the pharmacy information system because “G” should be “GM”. The <insert title here> should be the individual involved in making sure that systems are designed to include pharmacy workflow, that the reports being written provide the necessary information to be clinically relavent, that current clinical standards are adhered to during implementation of new systems, be the representative at the table during discussions of integration and interoperability of hospital systems, etc. Pharmacy informatics is a young discipline and a step in the wrong direction can harm the profession for years to come.

    Informatics Bytes 2009: Pearls of Informatics
    This session, which is still going on, has a little bit of everything when it comes to pharmacy informatics and patient safety. They announced that the session would be recorded. Maybe they’ll even create a podcast out of it; one can only hope.